Tara Group Pakistan is one of the top ranking innovative Agri. Research based organization in Agriculture Sector of Pakistan. Tara Group's Agro Division was founded in Oct. 2012, which is playing a pivotal role since last 12 years for the prosperity of farming community and socio-economic development of the country. Tara Group Pakistan is a globally recognized leader in producing top quality Hi-Tech Seeds, Pesticides & Micro/Macro Fertilizers.

By the Grace of Almighty Allah, Six Companies of Tara Group have created a new history of fastest growth in a period of only 12 years, to become an emerging leader among top 5 groups in Agro Chemical Industry of Pakistan.

Currently Tara Group consists of following six companies.

1. Tara Imperial Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.

2. Tara Crop Sciences (Pvt.) Ltd.

3. Imperial Crop Sciences (Pvt.) Ltd.

4. Star Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.

5. Star Agro Sciences (Pvt.) Ltd.

6. Tara Corporate Farms (Pvt.) Ltd.

State of the Art" Agro-Chemicals Plants of Tara Group were established with latest Quality Control and Research & Development Labs at Lahore and a Seed Processing Plant was established at Multan. Recently after a large scale expansion, the Agrochemical Plants of Tara Group have become capacity wise biggest Agro Chemical unit in the country.

Research & Development on advanced lines is the hallmark of Tara Group's tremendous progress. Tara Group's latest Quality Control Laboratories & Agrochemical Plants are accredited under International Quality Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017 & ISO 9001:2015, International Total Quality Management System ISQL 100QC, International Star Leadership in Quality Excellence & IP Star Brand of Pakistan. After qualifying mentioned above Accreditation & Global recognition, Tara Group is producing 198 Branded and Registered Pesticides, Micro/Macro Fertilizer Products and Hi-Tech Seeds of International Standards.

Tara Group has also established its own Research & Demonstration Farms in 4 different ecological zones of the country. Most advanced Breeding Program on these Farms is successfully in progress to evolve Hybrids & GMO Technology seed and O.P varieties of major and minor сrорs.

In recognition of remarkable contribution and meritorious services, Tara Group has been honored with more than 50 National & 9 International Excellence Awards. The worth mentioning are 6 top ranking Awards received by Tara Group within 3 Years from the Honorable President of Pakistan, which is rare Pride of Tara Group in Agriculture & Corporate Sector of Pakistan.

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