Tara Labs ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited

“State of the Art” Agro-Chemicals Plant of Tara Group, with latest Pesticides & Fertilizers Quality Control and Research Lab is at Lahore and the Seed Processing Plant has been established at Multan. Recently after a large scale expansion, the Agrochemical Plant of Tara Group has become the biggest Agro Chemical unit in the country, with an aggregate production capacity of 11 million liters & 5 million units of powder & granules filling.

The Products of Tara Group are cost-effective, user's & environment friendly as well as climate resilient, which are not only enhancing the productivity but also useful in decreasing the production cost of the farmers. All these products are backed by Tara Group's latest Quality Control Laboratories & Agrochemical Plants which are accredited under International Quality Standards ISO/IEC 17025:2017 & ISO 9001:2015, International Total Quality Management System ISQL 100QC, International Star Leadership in Quality Agri. Research Excellence and IP Star Brand of Pakistan.

Quality services is our hallmark

It is worth mentioning here that Tara Group has a base of most advanced Agri. Research Labs consisting of Pesticides and Fertilizers Research and Quality control Labs, Seed Research and Quality control Lab, Toxicology Lab, Biotechnology Lab, Bio- safety Lab, Tissue culture Lab, Fiber technology Lab and DH technology Lab.

Another Milestone Achieved

All the Tara Labs are equipped with the latest technology equipment and gadgets to provide International quality services. It is a great pride for Tara Group to become the first ISO/IEC- 17025:2017 private sector Lab to provide services to our clients in the following areas:

  • Pesticides
  • Fertilizers
  • BioTechnology
  • Toxicology
  • FiberTechnology

Since 2012, Tara Labs have been performing its activities to serve the clients with excellence and pride.
For range of testing services please refer to PNAC Websbite under Lab No. 101 on the following link-


In recognition of remarkable contribution & meritorious services, Tara Group has been honored with more than 50 International & top National Excellence Awards, out of which five Awards of Excellence in Agri. Research have been honoured by the President of Pakistan as well as seven International Awards conferred by USA, UK, Europe, and top ranking Asian Organizations.

Quality Assurance

Tara Labs staff is highly qualified and competent and knows the customers demand and precise workmanship and believes in accuracy of the results. The technical staff comprise of PhD, MPhil and MSc degree holders. All the services are provided as per Govt. Rules, customers need and ISO/IEC 17025-2017 guidelines and our own stringent rules and working environment. Details about the test performed are precisely documented in Certified Reports and Lab record.


Sr. No Category Analysis/Test Method /Technique Tara analysis Fee
1 Pesticide All Pesticide Formulations HPLC, GC, UV Visible & Chemical Rs.6000
2 Fertilizer Boron Spectrophotometry Rs.4000
3 Fertilizer C:N Ratio Kjeldhal Distillation & Ignition Method Rs.4000
4 Fertilizer Chelated Micronutrient (Per Sample) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Rs.4000 /Element
5 Fertilizer Humic Acid (Per Estimation) Gravimetric Method Rs.4000
6 Fertilizer Organic Matter (Per Estimation) Ignition Method Rs.4000
7 Fertilizer Phosphorous (Per Sample) Ammonium Molybdate Method Rs.4000
8 Fertilizer Potash (Per Sample) Flame Photometry Rs.4000
9 Fertilizer Micronutrient (Per Element) Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Rs.4000
10 Fertilizer Cation Exchange Capacity (Per Estimation) Titration Method Rs.4000
11 Fertilizer N-Ureic (Per Estimation) Kjeldhal Method Rs.4000
12 Fertilizer N- Ammonical/ N-Nitric (Per Estimation) Kjeldhal Method Rs.4000
13 Any Crop (Leaf ,Seed etc,) GMO Test (01 Genetic Element) Qualitative PCR Rs.10000
14 Any Crop (Leaf, Seed etc) Quantitative Analysis/ to Test Cry1AC, Cry2Ab, EPSPS etc. ELISA Rs.15000
15 Toxicology Acute dermal irritation Dermal irritation in Rabbit Rs.15000
16 Toxicology Acute dermal Toxicity Dermal Toxicity in Rat Rs.15000
17 Toxicology Acute Oral Toxicity Oral Toxicity in Rat Rs.25000
18 Toxicology Acute Eye Irritation Eye Irritation in Rabbit Rs.15000
19 Toxicology Acute Inhalation Toxicity Acute Inhalation Toxicity in Rats Rs. 165000
20 Toxicology Skin sensitization Skin sensitization in Guinea pigs Rs.35000

1. Full package of 6 pack Toxicology studies with 10% discount: Rs.270000/=
2. Time period for Toxicology studies= Three months
3. All fee is payable in advance